PIJAlance Magazine
The Patriot Institute of Journalism and Arts (PIJA), Lance Magazine is a public-centric independent media organisation dedicated to fighting injustice, fostering social justice and community development through the telling and retelling of the marginalised-oriented stories.

Learn Simple Tricks to Print Money Online with Affiliate Marketing



I don’t say you should not argue, but before you do, listen! Affiliate Marketing is the new Oil Money Making Business. You must not miss out


Think about it.


How would you feel if you have a side hustle giving you at least 480k in a week?


Let me guess!


You’ll be happy, right?


And that is the goal of the Affiliate Marketing.


It intend to make you happy while paying you every week.


With Affiliate Marketing you can earn as much as One million naira in a week and as low as 85 thousand naira in a week.


Affiliate Marketing is not for all. Neither it is for lazy ‘chuks’!

See what Reno said about Affiliate Marketing:👇👇👇

Reno Km
See what Reno said about Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is for those who are ready to take their life seriously and do the work relentlessly.


Affiliate Marketing is not another face of ponzi scheme where you get to put 50,000 naira or so and you are promised 100 million


Oh My God!


What work did you do?


Please, if you’re looking for such a job or you’re with such a mindset while reading this post. Stop right there!.


Don’t read further.


This post is not for you.


But if you’re that person that is ready to work.


I promise, you’ll enjoy the work


Then, read further.


So, what is Affiliate Marketing?


In a simplest term, Affiliate Marketing is just a process of selling other people’s product online and getting paid for it.


Affiliate Marketing is a commission-based job.


It is another face of Freelancing.


You help Mr A sell his product to Mr B.


Mr B pay Mr A then, Mr A commission you, immediately.


This Commission can be varies:


Sometimes 30%, 40%, or 50%, 60% and 70%


On rare occasion some vendors (Mr A) would give Affiliate 100% (meaning, when you sell you get to keep all the money 🤑)


And that is just Affiliate Marketing.


This is what you are running from since these days.


Many poor and broke Nigerians have been blessed with it and now their life have been transformed


Broke them that cannot afford 1k before are now unsatisfied even with millions breathing in their account.


Last Friday, Cassandra David Made 480k in just a week


Below is the screenshot from her account:

This week, she had made 800k in just a week


Next week, she will make more.

Last year she also won a trip to Egypt


It’s still this Affiliate Marketing


Also, Bruno would have become a software engineer or so forever benched with 30k salary


If not when he took a bold step to join the big boys.



Big boys that are rocking Affiliate Marketing!


He joined the Affiliate Marketing business and in just 6 months he made 1 million naira


He is a multimillionaire affiliate marketer now, yet, unsatisfied.


Below is his latest earnings as of few months ago in the previous year


I screenshoted this from his twitter page


Until now, Bruno is still working…


…and I don’t blame him, there is more to gulp in Affiliate Marketing business


This is why I am writing this post


I am calling you as well to come and gulp in this streams of fortune


Affiliate Marketing is the safest online Business that can secure your future and save you ahead of your retirement


You have no issues


As long as you have a smartphone 🤓


And you can operate it well


You’re already in the money.


You just need an expert in this field to walk you through the process of making it big with the business


And this is why I am here:


Join me today on WhatsApp:👇👇👇



I’ll walk you through simple steps you need to take to start making money big with Affiliate Marketing


I have already shared my story in some of my post— how I went from being broke to the new me, now.


It’s Affiliate Marketing.


I just started it but I am testifying already.


I wish you to testify as well.


Click the link below to get in touch with me on WhatsApp



Let’s discuss better.


I’ll be waiting.

Neck-deep Investigative Journalist, Fact-checker and writer-I provide support for marginalised communities through strategic investigative reporting, holding power to account and airing the underrepresented communities' concerns. I firmly believe in giving voices to the underreported communities in Nigeria and Africa. This has, however, made me contribute to multiple publications and projects that exposed corruption, injustice, and human rights violations. I am passionate about journalism and its role in creating positive change in the world. I lead a group of professional investigators at the PIJAlance Magazine Research and Investigations Desk (RID). If you have a story, check 'contact us' to hit me.

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