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Breaking: Army harass, Detain Tai Solarin students over unknown course


Enoch Oyedibu


The members of the armed forces at the Ilese Army Barrack, in Ijebu-Ode Ogun State, have been allegedly reported of harassing the Tai Solarin University of Education students over an unknown course.



PIJAONLINE learnt about this incident through a WhatsApp interview with one of the victims of the abuse who pleaded anonymity.



It was reported that members of the armed forces were harassing the varsity students and in a bid to seek for the reasons such occurs, the SUG President of the Institution, Rabiu Sodiq, went to the scene, but only to be reinforced as part of the already arrested abused-students in the Barrack.



The source, who was ghastly injured said the members of the force at the Ilese Army Barrack shot at them and everyone ran. Result is the injury sustained by the source.



Furthermore, Rabiu Sodiq and other students are still at the army barrack of Ilese Army Barrack, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State.


More details shortly

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