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ALLEGED FRAUD: Access Bank Refuses to Refund N21,000 of Customer


Enoch Oyedibu


One of the leading commercial banks in Nigeria, Access Bank plc has refused to refund N21,000 thousand naira of a customer who was debited twice while using a Point Of Sale machine.


The customer, identified as Montell Benson, was debited #10,500 twice on November 21st, 2022, when was trying to withdraw money to cater for his medical bill due to his current health condition.


Benson said he attempted to withdraw a sum of #10,500 from the P.O.S stand; the transaction was unsuccessful but was debited.

ALLEGED FRAUD: Access Bank Refuses to Refund N21,000 of Customer
The first debit alert sent to Montell through email
ALLEGED FRAUD: Access Bank Refuses to Refund N21,000 of Customer
The second debit alert sent to Montell through email

The aggrieved customer said he thought the money would be refunded so he tried using the POS again and the same ordeal repeated itself.


This made Montell be debited twice of the same amount while the transactions were not remitted into the POS account and that enabled him to not withdraw the money, then.


He explained that he had visited the nearest branch of the bank to his residence three times with the staff promising it will be resolved but nothing was resolved until today.


Frustrated, Montell complained on Access Bank’s verified Facebook page and was attended to by one of the staff who promised it will be resolved in three days. “But nothing was done, until now,” he added.


In his words, “the transaction was performed on the 21st of November, that’s last month. I wanted to get money to buy drugs for malaria because I have been down for a while now. So, I went to POS, just across the road from where I live.


“So, I was debited the first time. I thought maybe it was a Network issue that was going to reverse back immediately, so I told the woman to try again. And the same thing still happened.


“I went to their branch in Eket. I went on Tuesday, and that was the following day, I went on Wednesday and I still went again on Thursday but when I came back on Thursday, they sent me two notifications. They said they are going to reverse the money on or before the first of December, so today is the first of December and they gave me time but I still haven’t heard from them yet.


“And I have been down, I have not had money to use for my treatment. I even went to their Facebook page and made a complaint, you know, somebody replied and told me it was going to be settled in three days but I still have not received any news from them.


“So this is very very bad…and if you go to their Facebook page, you’re going to see a lot of people with the same complaints. I saw a woman making a complaint about a hundred and thirty thousand nairas….that’s a huge amount of money.


“So is this how this bank, called Access Bank wants to scam people and defraud people?”

PIJAlance Magazine, is an independent public-centric journalism arm of PIJA Foundation that stands to tell stories connecting the masses to community justice and development. We always rebel against social injustice. Got a story you'll like us to publish, tip us in contact us.

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